Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Weekly Challenge #199: "UMT: Hitch by HeidiSue"

Happy new year ! Heureuse année 2015 !

Each week the Diva on her blog puts out a challenge for folks.

For those  who don't know, the first Monday of the month, is a UMT Challenge (Use My Tangle), where the challenge is to learn and use a tangle created by one of us!

This week's UMT comes to us from HeidiDue and her blog: TanlgeOoh! You can look at the step outs for her tangle in this picture or on her blog.

I used this pattern in a circle and it became the structure of a Zendala. It may be difficult to recognize it. It is also converted into a kind of caterpillars around the sphere.

J'ai utilisé ce motif sous forme d'un cercle et il est devenu la structure même d'un Zendala. il est peut-être difficile de le reconnaître. Il s'est transformé aussi en une sorte de chenilles.

Bonne année 2018