Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Weekly Challenge #210: "Spiralstring - that's the thing!"

This week the DIVA proposes drawing from a spiral string.

I wanted to do a new drawing for this challenge but in fact i had already  many tiles with spiral string.

This time I have started a spiral but it ended with a question mark

Here is the newer tile but  I allowed myself to publish the oldest behind.

je voulais faire un nouveau dessin pour ce challenge mais en fait j'avais déjà de nombreux dessins avec des spirales. Celui-ci est celui que j'ai fait spécialement pour ce challenge mais je me suis permis de publier les plus vieux en dessous.

Dessin 1

 Spiral is a form that I love and I use it frequently when I scribble.
 La spirale est une forme que j'aime beaucoup et que j'utilise très fréquemment quand je griffonne.

Dessin 2
Dessin 3
Dessin 4
Dessin 5
Dessin 6


  1. So many spirals! I love it, especially since I found working with a spiral kind of intimidating and difficult. Now I'll definitely have to be certain to give it another try.

  2. Lots of spirals going on here :) all lovely. My personal fave. Is no. 1 :)

  3. thank you for your nice comment on my blog :). your spiral strings are very detailed, beautyful

  4. So many to see here! All are wonderful! Especially I like the first one! It´s gorgeous and very delicate!

  5. so many beautiful art work.

  6. What a beautiful collection of spirals!


Bonne année 2018