Saturday, June 11, 2016

Weekly Challenge #270: "Skye - a Tangle by Margaret Bremner, CZT"

Two weeks ago, weekly challenge was to use a new tangle named "Skye" drawn by Margaret BREWNER. 

Very late I publish today three tiles with this tangle. I enjoyed discovering this new pattern even if I found it difficult at first. For my last tile I used a black background. it was long since I had not.


  1. You have such great contrast in all your tiles!

  2. I'm agree with you i like contrast and if there is not enough i added it. Thank you for your comment very pleasant for me!

  3. Skye is not an easy tangle but you managed to make three beautiful tiles with this pattern. My favorite is the second one: nice combination with other tangles, 3 different ways of drawing Skye and beautiful black accents!


Bonne année 2018