Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Weekly Challenge #296: "UMT - Moowa by Anya Ipsen, CZT"

As the first Monday of every month on the divas'blog is a Use My Tangle Challenge, where the challenge of the week is to use a tangle created by one of us! This week we have to use MOOWA, tangle proposed by Anya Ipsen. You can find the step out's for this tangle HERE.

At first this tangle evoques me High surging waves but finally in this tile my interpretation is rather vegetal, an imaginary garden ... with Rixty, Tipple, Zinger.

Thank you very much for visiting my blog !


  1. Love the way you used this in a garden like way! Lovely tile.

  2. I like your Moowa tile. It's so playful and your shading is great, too.

  3. Absolutely LOVE your Moowa Garden! So fanciful! Fabulous!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Your little garden is very beautiful! I would like to have a spot in my garden like this :-)

  6. Looks like a Moowa-Garden, I love it :-)

  7. Very different and lovely use of Moowa.


Bonne année 2018