Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Weekly Challenge #247: "UMT: African Artist by Tina-Akua Hunziker, CZT"

It's the first week of december so it's a UMT challenge. UMT means 'Use My Tangle'. This week is a tangle named  'African Artist' proposed by Tina, a friend of Laura. To see this tangle step by step go to Tina's blog by clicking here.

This is my drawing for this week. What do you think about?

Thank you very much for your comment.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Weekly Challenge #244: "Tripoli Triptastic"

Cette semaine le challenge consiste à utiliser le motif 'Tripoli'. Laura sur son site 'I'm the Diva' donne quelques astuces pour dessiner Tripoli. n'hésitez pas à le consulter.
This week we have to use the tangle  'TRIPOLI'.

Je suis française, aussi avant de passer au Challenge je voulais rappeler à tous nos amis  que pour tous les français ce week-end a été une horreur, un vrai carnage commis par des bouchers qui ont tué ou blessé grièvement des centaines de jeunes dans une salle de spectacle, sur des terrasses de café, à la porte du stade de France. Notre gouvernement a décrété l'état d'urgence et trois jours de deuil. Cela nous touche tous profondément. Tous ces jeunes et toutes ces familles si cruellement atteintes! Les 129 personnes décédées appartenaient à 18 nationalités différentes d'après les renseignements fournis par le ministère de l'intérieur.

I'm french so before i participate in this challenge i wanted to write about the terribles events of this week-end in Paris. I wrote in french because it's easier for me. Perharps Google will be able to help you for traduction... I want just to express my anger and my great sadness for all these young people who lost their live.

In the first tile is a black tripoli variation.

J'ai fait un premier dessin avec Tripoli en noir. 

In the second tile other variation with grey corner.

Dans mon deuxième dessin je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher d'y apporter une variation en noircissant les angles des triangles.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Weekly Challenge #241: Guest post "Stones and Ceremony"

This week challenge is proposed by a Guest of Laura, Paula BRAMANTE.
The theme is: Stones and Ceremony.
I did'nt understand very well but never mind ! For further explanations, click here !

What is it? I don't know.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Weekly Challenge #238: "UMT - Tri-bee by Beate Winkler, CZT"

Cette semaine il s'agit d'un UMT challenge, ce qui veut dire un challenge 'utilise mon tangle'. Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas, chaque premier lundi du mois il s'agit de dessiner à partir d'un motif (tangle) proposé par l'un des participants. Cette semaine il faut utiliser 'TRI-Bee' proposé par Beate Winkler un professeur CZT d'Allemagne. 
Cela a été pour moi un tangle très agréable à découvrir.

This week is a UMT challenge, it means a "Use My Tangle Challenge". For those of you who are new, the first Monday of every month is a Use My Tangle Challenge, where the challenge of the week is to use a tangle created by one of us! 

This month we must use Tangle called Tri-Bee created by Beate Winkler, a CZT teacher from Germany.

You can see this step by step tangle on her blog clicking here

This was for me a very pleasant tangle to discover.

Pour finir j'en ai fait une sorte de patchwork en associant ces deux dessins.
Lastly I made a kind of patchwork combining these two tiles.

Thank you very much for your comment. You know how it's pleasant to have some comments.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Weekly Challenge #235: "String Theory: Stripes"

Cette semaine le défi proposé par Laura, "the Diva" est tout simplement de dessiner à partir de simples rayures comme lignes directrices. C'est agréable de revenir de temps en temps aux choses les plus simples.

"This week's challenge is to take our pencil and draw stripes across your tile or paper to create your string. Simple as that. "

I found pleasant to draw from  so simple strings.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Weekly Challenge #234: UMT - CanT by Chris Titus, CZT

This week is a UMT challenge that means a challenge when the diva shares a tangle created by one of us. it's "CANT" this day, a tangle created by Chris TITUS, a CZT.

I draw it for the first time. It seemed to me that this tangle was interesting because he allowed numerous variations. I made my first try with a white gel pen on black paper. I added some green o the end.

My second project was using this pattern on a sphere. I tried color and finally I preferred the more sober black and white. I prefer the first sphere and you ?

Thank you very much for your comments.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Weekly Challenge #233: "New Official Tangle - Zenith"

This week the DIVA is back. She proposes us a challenge with a new tangle "ZENITH". I enjoyed discovering this new pattern.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Weekly Challenge #232 Guest Blogger Holly Atwater, CZT

This week the Guest Blogger is Holly Atwater. She proposes us two challenges. The first one is an audio challenge. It's not for me because i don't  know well English, the second with the tangle 'Betweed'.
So i chose the second and decided to use 'Betweed' as a string. But look for it ! I think  I made a mistake. It does not matter, BETWEED is still the source the tile.

Currently I am on vacation and I have fun with Photoshop. Here are two proposals of colorized versions.

Colorisé avec photoshop.

Version noire et blanc colorisée avec un filtre photoshop.

Thank you very mush for your comments.

En français, langue que je maîtrise mieux bien sûr!  : Cette semaine, l'invitée du blog de la diva nous propose deux challenge. le premier est un challenge audio, mais ce n'est pas pour moi car je ne suis pas assez bonne en anglais, le second avec le tangle 'BETWEED'.
j'ai donc choisi le secon et j'ai décidé d'utiliser 'BETWEED' comme une ficelle (structure, cadre de mon dessin...). mais cherchez bien BETWEED, je crois que je me suis trompée. Cela ne fait rien, BETWEED est bien à l'origine de cette réalisation.
Actuellement, je suis en vacances, aussi j'en profite pour m'amuser avec Photoshop: Voici deux versions colorisées de mon dessin.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Weekly Challenge #231: "The Undulating Tangles in C and S minor"

This week the guest Blogger,Charla HICKS proposes us to use an old favorite undulating C or S curve tangle and work in a series OR find a new one and begin a new series.

I used 'Sharla Rella' and i liked to shade this tangle and to see shapes appear as and as I drew.

Colorisé avec Photoshop
Thank you for your comments.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Weekly Challenge #230: "Let’s all be ZenDivaDala"

This week the guest Blogger  proposes us a zendala challenge. You can see template of zendala on the diva's websiteI wanted to be inspired by Chinese lanterns that so much fascinated me during my trip in Asia in July.

I made several tries from the same initial pattern having previously photocopied the drawing. I had fun with Photoshop to colorise the black and white tiles.

Thank you for your comments.

My zentangle gallery is on Flickr :

Monday, August 3, 2015

Weekly Challenge #229 Guest Blogger Sandy Hunter, CZT

This week The Diva is still on vacation. The guest Blogger Sandy Hunter launched this challenge: "Shift your focus to the negative space, so the white part of your tile is the focus of your tangle". 

Like Sandy Hunter, I tend to make my tangles really busy because I do not succeed to stop to tangle, i always try other pattern. many times i decided to leave a white area as the focus of my drawing and each time I found these designs more balanced : The following are two examples of these tests :

In my opinion, this tile seemed too busy.

I tried the same one with the central area left white :

I prefer this second version.  And you ?

Another drawing done in 4 parts. The central area is a tree ( highly stylized indeed with branches and roots) :

I'm going to tangle a new one this week. But often it's difficult for me  to finish by Friday evening.

Thank you for your comments.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Weekly Challenge #228: GUEST BLOGGER Cari Sultanik, CZT

This week the instructions are given to us by Cari Sultanick while the Diva is on vacation. This challenge must celebrates all things natural and organic.

I use first LINQ pattern that i had just discovered. I think that in my drawing it looks like a snake. What do you think of it ?

Thank you for your comments.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Weekly Challenge #223: "Official Tangle - UMBLE"

Cette semaine le challenge est d'utiliser le Tangle officiel "Umble" de Rick et Maria

J'ai quelques difficultés à traduire l'anglais aussi je n'ai pas compris pourquoi ce tangle était à la fois ancien et nouveau. Carl Sultanik l'a utilisé dans le précédent challenge et je l'ai découvert ainsi. j'ai fait différents essais en utilisant diverses techniques j'ai fait deux dessins en noir et blanc, le premier me semblait trop chargé. j'ai essayé un dessin en couleur avec des crayons feutres. en dernier je me suis servi des limites extérieures de chaque arc comme fil conducteur et j'ai expérimenté le crayon aquarellable pour l'arrière-plan.

This week the challenge is to use the official Rick and Maria's "Umble" tangle. 

I have some difficulties in translating English so I do not understand why this tangle was both old and new. Cari Sultanik used it in the previous challenge and I discovered it for the first time. I did various tests using various techniques I made two drawings in black and white, the first one seemed too overloaded. I tried a color drawing with markers. last I used the outer limits of each arc as thread and I experienced the watercolor pencil for background.

Thank you for tour comments. 

Monday, June 15, 2015

Weekly Challenge #222: "Colours of the Rainbow!"

This week Diva's challenge is to use multi colours - "use 'em if you got 'em!" .

As the diva I used gel pens (SIGNO) on a black paper. With gel pens I always feel a little limited because lines cannot be as fine as i would like and I do not know how to make shadows.

Thank you for your comments which are every time so encouraging!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Weekly Challenge #221: "Beads of Courage"

This week the DIVA Challenge 's theme is inspired by beads of Courage.

Beads of Courage is an Arts in Medicine that supports kids with chronic or life threatening illnesses and their families. These kids are amazing. And they more often than not have to deal with a lot on a daily basis. They see a lot of doctors, and on this program instead of getting a sticker or a lollipop for getting a needle or an X-Ray, or a test of some kind, they'd get a glass bead to represent that part of their medical journey.

We can use beads as inspiration for our string, or for inspiration for our tangles,

So to celebrate the great courage of Artoo , the children as him and their parents I drew a very big bead more precious than a glass bead because it is about a beard of tangles.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Weekly Challenge #219: "Straight Lines all the, times"

This week the DIVA's challenge is to use ONLY straight lines,

It was difficult for me not use curves . Regularly i was thinking of curve tangles to fill the spaces that i create with a tangleation of HOLLIBAUGH.

Here is my creation :

What do you think of it? Thank you very mush for your comment.

My gallery adress:

Friday, May 22, 2015

Weekly Challenge #218: "White on Black on Found"

This week's challenge is an option.

The challenge is to do a white on black tile or zentangle inspired piece of art - using a white pen on black paper. 

So, there's also the option of creating a tangled piece on a found object instead or in addition to white on black.

the last weekend was longer for Canadians. Also the Diva wrote on its website that the challenge would begin later on Tuesday instead of Monday. But i was wrong and and I thought that the challenge would begin on Thursday night I was surprised seeing as many drawings already published by other challengers.
I decided to present without waiting a tile  recently drawn and make another later.

Here is the tile i drew today.

Thank you for your comment.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Weekly Challenge #217: "Duo Tangle - DEX vs BUNZO.... THIRTYFIVE!!"

this week the challenge is to use ONLY Dex and Bunzo. (step out for Dex are HERE, step outs for Bunzo are HERE).

The reason for these two tangles is DEX is spelled with three letters. BUNZO is spelled with five. D-E-X (3) B-U-N-Z-O (5)


On Tuesday (May 12) the DIVA will be 35 years old. Very happy birthday for her.

That is my work this week. Find original ideas to combine these two tangles did not not very easy. Idea of a window and sort of monster would not let me. Do you see the eyes of this monster?

Friday, May 8, 2015

Weekly Challenge #216

on the DIVA's site this week challenge is to use in our tile tangle 'Brella' created by Canadian CZT Bunny Wright . You can see the step outs for this tangle here.

From the beginning I wanted to use 'Brella' not as a fill patern but as a string. it is ultimately a very geometric pattern that I liked.

Here the starting string :

and what i drew :

Do you like it ?

Thank you very mush for your comments. I I'll go now discover your drawings. I did not want to see them before.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Weekly Challenge #215: "Labyrinth"

This week the Diva writes:

"I've been taking a year long course on Mandalas with the amazing Scottish beauty Julie Gibbons, this is my third year exploring the Great Round of Mandala with her. And it just so happens that Stage Three (which corresponds with the month of March) involves labyrinths. I've been thinking about tangling a labyrinth ever since.
I had wondered how well a labyrinth would translate into a Zentangle challenge, and then in my online travels i found a website which said:

A labyrinth is not a maze. Mazes are puzzles, designed to vex the mind, but labyrinths are contemplative designs, designed to focus the mind.

and i thought, that sounds much like tangling to me! So i gave it a go. ".

So I started by drawing a labyrinth following the instructions on the web page :

The labyrinth is still visible in the center of the tile. Do you see it?But then I let my pencil follow my imagination and the theme of labyrinth has been somewhat forgotten.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Weekly Challenge #213: "Traced Object Strings"

The Diva challenge this week is to trace a nearby object as an interesting string. I trace around the basis of a small doll statue

I am also inspired by patterns and colors of clothings.

At the end I quickly transformed the patterns and without these explanations probably you would not see  similarities.

I try today with another string designed around an oval box. here is the string:

And my drawing :

If you are interested, here is the Flickr adress of my Zentangle Gallery
Si vous voulez voir d'autres réalisations, voici l'adresse de ma galerie Zentangle sur Flickr :

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Weekly Challenge #210: "Spiralstring - that's the thing!"

This week the DIVA proposes drawing from a spiral string.

I wanted to do a new drawing for this challenge but in fact i had already  many tiles with spiral string.

This time I have started a spiral but it ended with a question mark

Here is the newer tile but  I allowed myself to publish the oldest behind.

je voulais faire un nouveau dessin pour ce challenge mais en fait j'avais déjà de nombreux dessins avec des spirales. Celui-ci est celui que j'ai fait spécialement pour ce challenge mais je me suis permis de publier les plus vieux en dessous.

Dessin 1

 Spiral is a form that I love and I use it frequently when I scribble.
 La spirale est une forme que j'aime beaucoup et que j'utilise très fréquemment quand je griffonne.

Dessin 2
Dessin 3
Dessin 4
Dessin 5
Dessin 6

Bonne année 2018